About Our Project
With the project “STEAMulate your school”, partners from Lithuania, Italy, Greece and France aim to support students of secondary schools in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences through effective and innovative methodologies that promote interdisciplinary co-operation in science, technology, engineering, arts and maths (STE(A)M) in connection with IT and Media Literacy). To facilitate access to technology, development of digital competences for all students and enhance the attractiveness of STEAM, we need to find a way to bring teachers closer to methods and projects that can open up the way to new interests. Partners believe that the tools created in this project contribute to this objective.
The main target group of this project are secondary school teachers and students (aged 11-16), although some of the outputs (for example, the application about universe) might be used with primary school students as well. In addition, having in mind the complexity of some of our proposed digital ateliers (a format of workshops used in this project), they might be explored with older students.
A second priority of the project is the implementation of innovative practices in the digital era promoting new transversal methodologies and pedagogies for developing digital competences and teaching STEAM through training, the production of open-source materials and software, that can support teachers both in the development of their digital competences, as well as develop the competences of their students.
The project is proposing new flexible and transversal methodologies and educational pathways that are needed to guarantee the integration and inclusion in particular of students that face learning difficulties, have poor school performances and are at risk of early school leaving.
Therefore, the project is proposing an innovative practice of “Digital Atelier”, which is based on the Italian participatory methodologies Alberto Manzi and Bruno Munari. This format is used to develop basic and key competences of students via activities related to IT, media and STEAM subjects.
The project approach is contributing to:
changing the attitudes and role of teachers,
improving teachers’ competences,
transforming the contemporary understanding about schools, teaching, students’ participation and interdisciplinary approach related in this case to STEAM subjects,
The project is planning to develop 3 intellectual outputs: Toolkit for teachers, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for teachers and Application.

EDUPRO is working in the two main directions:
1. EDUPRO carries out various training courses, seminars, conferences, meetings and other events and provides services of information, counselling, mediating and educative activities to professionals and disadvantaged society groups to ensure their social and labour integration;
2. Contributing to bringing innovations, new work tools, technologies closer to the general education field, developing digital, media competences of adults and children to ensure their successful adaptation to the fast changing world.
Zaffiria works in the field of Media Education since 1998, manages the national Centre Alberto Manzi and is qualified to work with the method Bruno Munari ©. Zaffiria coordinates and is a partner of numerous local, national, as well as European projects dealing with media education, creative technology, toolkit production, pedagogical experimentation and teachers‘ training.
Zaffiria creates applications for mobile devices and video games that focus on children and adolescents through the creative and divergent use of technology.
La Gaite
With exhibitions, concerts, conferences, projections or workshops, La Gaîté Lyrique demystifies culture, technology, knowledge and is a place of celebration and creativity that bring people together. Adults and children are invited to experience, question and remix our virtualized era and its artistic practices. Through its cultural mediation program and its educational activities, La Gaîté Lyrique also defines itself as a place of informal learning whose primary goal is to participate in empowering citizens.
Organisation develops local and European projects encouraging expression and the exchange of views and creative ideas through the use of media. KARPOS strongly believes that, in a society where images surround us, these tools can empower both young and adult citizens to participate in social transactions and bring forward their own alternative voices. KARPOS specialises in how media, image and sound can develop narratives and how they can be introduced in educational environments.