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Toolkit with 20 Digital Ateliers

     Digital Ateliers are innovative and modular spaces to develop manual skills, craftsmanship, creativity and technology. The strength of the digital atelier consists of combining concrete and tangible aspects with virtual and technological aspects, permitting the analogical and the digital to meet and go deeper on the educational experience, promoting a creative and artistic approach, even to the more scientific subjects as Maths, Biology or Physics. Starting from a scientific question, which is linked to the chosen school subject, each partner has developed and experimented with secondary school classes students (11-16 years) 5 Digital Ateliers, that constitute the basis of this Toolkit. It is available in English and the languages of the project partners (Italian, Lithuanian, French and Greek). The toolkit includes digital tools and materials that can be freely used by teachers and educators throughout Europe.

Toolkit in English

20 digital ateliers combining STEAM subjects with analogue and digital activities where different tools, means are used to reveal the chosen subject.


The toolkit is accessible in English and partners' languages: Italian, Greek, French and Lithuanian.

Toolkit in Italian

20 Atelier Digitali che sviluppano argomenti STEAM con attività analogiche e digitali, proponendo diversi strumenti e metodi per esplorare una domanda chiave e aprire una possibile ricerca.

Toolkit en français

20 Digital Ateliers associant les sujets STEAM à des activités analogiques et numériques, où se mêlent différents outils et méthodes dans le but d'explorer une question clé.

Užsiėmimų rinkinys lietuvių kalba

Šiame rinkinyje rasite net 20 užsiėmimų, kuriuose STEAM mokomieji dalykai susiejami su įvairiomis skaitmeninėmis priemonėmis, medijomis ir įrankiais, kad būtų patrauklesni mokytojams ir mokiniams.


20 Ψηφιακά Εργαστήρια που συνδυάζουν θέματα STEAM με αναλογικές και ψηφιακές δραστηριότητες όπου χρησιμοποιούνται διάφορα εργαλεία και μέσα για να αναδείξουν το επιλεγμένο θέμα

Erasmus -logo.png

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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