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Massive Open Online Course

Welcome to the Erasmus+ project “STEAMulate your School” MOOC! This is the result of our 2,5 years of work. Each project partner created and tested with schools 5 workshops which we call here “Digital Ateliers” (DAs) as they combine manual and digital activities which help to develop children’s STEAM competences in a creative, motivating and involving way.


The aim of this MOOC is to propose online materials for secondary school teachers to deepen the themes of different STEAM subjects delivered to children (11-16 years old).


This MOOC consists of 5 modules equal to approx. 40 hrs. of study:

  1. Introduction

  2. Italian Digital Ateliers

  3. French Digital Ateliers

  4. Lithuanian Digital Ateliers

  5. Greek Digital Ateliers


In the introductory module it is possible to get acquainted with the experimentation of Digital Ateliers in Italy, Greece, France and Lithuania - partners have prepared short videos to help you imagine what you can expect also in this MOOC.


Also, the introductory module includes chapters and videos discussing, presenting:

  • why STEAM subjects are so important;

  • our approach towards scientific subjects and work methodology;

  • applications and their use in the education process;

  • how to successfully create workshops (DAs) combining different subjects.


Modules 2-5 which present resources developed by each partner follow similar structure:

  1. Short introduction that presents the module;

  2. Descriptions of 4 Digital Ateliers and 4 videos which we hope would help you to better understand, visualise how these ateliers have been implemented;

  3. 4 activities which we encourage you to try out with your students and share with us the results, feedback on how you succeeded.


When you have completed 5 modules, we are going to invite you to the 6 hrs training session in presence (or online) in order to help you on your way of using STEAM Digital Ateliers in the education process, to answer your questions and work together on creating your DAs. 


The MOOC also has a complementary module No. 6 - How to become a Digital Atelierist where you will be able to share your own Digital Ateliers, leave your feedback and communicate with teachers from Italy, Greece, France, Lithuania and also other European countries.

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The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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