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In this atelier we will travel together with Darwin to discover the various species of birds, what differentiates them and what they have in common; we will look at their different beaks and we will understand what they are used for, what tools they look like. Starting from the scientific observation of some birds, we will understand together what their main characteristics are and we will create a catalogue of bird-icons to share. Let's play with the Gathering Sky app to fly like birds, with Merlin Birds ID  to recognize them and with Fabricabrac to create fantastic and imaginary ones. We will observe the birds designed by Charley Harper and let ourselves be inspired by art and nature.

Would we be able to invent new beaks for new features? How many types of birds do we know? How large can their eggs be? And what colour are they? Can we design a bird so well that it is recognized by an app? We will answer together with these and other questions in a path that combines biology and art, design and digital.


The clouds have always exerted an irresistible fascination on us. The classification of clouds was created by Luke Howard in the 19th century, subdividing them into four broad categories, to which are added intermediate categories. Their shapes, composition and distribution in the sky (i.e. the altitude above sea level, the position in relation to the mountains) vary and these changes offer the possibility of studying the phenomenon with scientific methods to verify their classification. Can we measure the perimeter of a cloud? In this atelier we will try to do it, learning a scientific method that we can manage in the classroom. We will understand how far the clouds are from us and how we can represent them. We will create a catalogue of clouds, and we will look at Luigi Ghirri's photographs. Lightness and mathematical calculations will accompany us on this journey... naturally always with our heads in the clouds!


From the butterfly of Queen Alessandra to the mysterious Black Witch the world of Lepidoptera opens up numerous discoveries and wonders. Their wonderful wings are beautiful examples of geometry present in nature, with the most disparate colours and shapes, which obey the laws of symmetry. In this atelier we will know some species of butterflies, compare them and try to schematize and understand the complex designs of their wings; we will simplify geometric shapes to create a shared dictionary to communicate through symbols. We will observe Raku Inoue's vegetable butterflies to create a small class collection, and with the art of origami we will create a small swarm of butterflies. Then we'll play with the Floris app in order to create beautiful butterflies and search them in a digital mountain field.


Experimenting with water can be very stimulating at secondary school because it allows doing scientific and artistic research that enhance school curricula. Water, in its countless forms, offers the possibility to talk about many themes: from the environment to biodiversity, from the water cycle to the distribution of resources.

Starting from the experiences and knowledge of students, we will answer simple and complex questions: what does water do when it enters the mouth? How does it get to the tap in my house? How does it get to the sea? Different experiments will allow us to draw water in different ways and create visual catalogues. An app will allow us to experience water integrating the digital: with In una goccia we will introduce some themes, such as hydraulic systems and snowflakes. Leonardo da Vinci and Mori Yuzan will tell us a lot about water and waves. Science and art will guide us to discover water and its beauty.


The stars and constellations arouse an irresistible charm on each of us: who has never entertained to observe a starry night? Beyond the aesthetic and mysterious aspect, the observation of the sky can open up many reflections and insights. First of all, there is the discourse of the cultural and historical heritage linked to the stars: each star, each constellation has a story to tell, which in some cases begins thousands of years ago, in very distant and fascinating lands. There are many myths and stories, coming from various cultures, interesting to read and tell. Then there is the more scientific aspect, related to physics: every time we look at a constellation we are seeing celestial bodies, often gigantic, that burn hundreds or thousands of light-years away from us, of which we can - sometimes - know composition, distance and other characteristics, just like our Sun!

In this atelier, we will let ourselves be guided through the stars by very interesting software, Stellarium, and we will go in search of the constellations and myths that most fascinate us. We will then discover how the stars are made and how to make "portraits" of our stars with painting.

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